Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are incidents or exposures to events or situations that have the potential to cause long-term negative impact on individuals, both in childhood and adulthood (CDC).  When the landmark ACEs study was conducted there were three main categories identified but there has since been a growing list of exposures with the potential to cause trauma including adverse community experiences like poverty, racism, and natural disasters.

Adverse Childhood Experiences as determined by the 1997 ACEs Study

Childhood Abuse -  emotional, physical, sexual

Neglect - physical, emotional

Family Dysfunction - substance abuse, mental illness, violent treatment of a mother or stepmother, parental separation/divorce, or an incarcerated household member.


In a study published in 1998, over 17,000 adult patients of Kaiser Permenente, a major healthcare organization, completed confidential ACE surveys asking questions about past history of abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction, as well as links to risk factors and current adult health status, mental health and quality of life (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2012). Results of the study demonstrated how traumatic childhood experiences are a predictor of adolescent and adult long-term health, behavioral, and social problems.

The higher the ACE score, the greater prevalence of negative health and behavioral outcomes in adolescence and adulthood. The study uncovered that physical and mental health conditions along with quality of life reports suggest individuals who reported higher numbers of ACEs in childhood also reported to have mental health struggles (e.g. depression, anxiety, PTSD), diseases (e.g. HIV,cancer, diabetes, lung disease), and engaged in risky behaviors (i.e. alcohol and drug abuse, unsafe sex, absenteeism) among other outcomes.



Center for Disease Control: Adverse Childhood Experiences

Center on the Developing Child: Harvard University: A Guide to Toxic Stress

ACEs Connection: ACEs Movement and news

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:The Truth about ACEs

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: About Child Trauma

Promising Futures - Best Practices for Serving Children, Youth, and Parents Experiencing Domestic Violence: Protective Factors & Resiliency

Alliance-For Strong Families and Communities: Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences (HOPE)